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Hungary Elections 2024 Polls

Hungary European Election 2024 Results and Analysis

Historic Victory for Fidesz and Rise of Péter Magyar

In the recently concluded 2024 European elections, Hungary's Fidesz party, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, emerged victorious with a commanding 44.6 percent of the vote. The party, along with its smaller allies, secured a significant share of the seats in the European Parliament. However, the elections also marked the rise of political newcomer Péter Magyar, who made a strong showing and has become a potential challenger to Orbán in the 2026 parliamentary elections.

The results, as published by the Hungarian National Election Office, reflect the continuing popularity of Orbán and Fidesz among the Hungarian electorate. The party's victory is attributed to its strong messaging on national sovereignty and its opposition to illegal immigration, which resonates with many Hungarian voters. Orbán's policies have been criticized by some for their authoritarian tendencies, but his supporters view them as necessary to protect Hungary's interests and values.

The emergence of Péter Magyar as a serious contender is a significant development in Hungarian politics. Magyar, a former mayor who campaigned on a platform of economic reform and anti-corruption, made a strong showing, particularly among younger voters. His success has energized the opposition and raised hopes that Orbán's dominance could be challenged in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Analysts believe that the results of the European elections have set the stage for an exciting and competitive political landscape in Hungary. Fidesz remains a formidable force, but Magyar's rise and the growing discontent among some voters suggest that Orbán's grip on power may not be as secure as it once seemed.
